
Heroes of storm
Heroes of storm

Our strategy content will help you learn multiple heroes as you make your way toward Hero League. It can be a long grind to get to level 30 so you can participate in Hero League, and once you're there you need to know multiple heroes in order to make an impact and help your team. Here you'll find tips for individual heroes, as well as more general tips to help you get started with the game and increase your skill level as quickly as possible. You'll be collecting gold at the same slow rate, to be sure, but joking around with buddies makes matches feel like time well spent, and less like a grind-heavy part-time job.This is the main landing page for Prima Games' Heroes of the Storm strategy content. Playing with friends is the most stress-free, time-flies-when-you're-having-fun method of gold collection that there is in HotS. Guess what! Just like HotS, friendship is free - except friendship unlocks all sorts of cool benefits without requiring any gold. Does earning a few hundred gold over the course of that many hours feel "worth" your real-world money? Unless you're playing tons of matches per day, the cost-benefit ratio on these items just doesn't add up, if you ask me. I'd say you should only buy a stimpack if it's on sale, or if you're planning to play HotS for several hours a day, every single day, for the duration. The stimpacks cost real-world money in exchange for a slight gold bonus to wins and losses, but you'd have to play a lot of matches before you started seeing significant gains.

heroes of storm

If you ask me, Heroes of the Storm stimpacks are not worth the expense, but you should do the math yourself to decide. If you're trying to go the distance and unlock your entire 8-game daily, for example, maximize your potential winnings by playing online instead of going solo. By contrast, you'll get 20 gold for each game you lose in a Quick Match, and 30 gold if you win, so it's worth trying your luck and playing against human opponents. Playing with the AI can be a relief for new players, because it's easier to win and less stressful to let down your robot teammates, but you'll only net 10 gold from winning against AI opponents. What's more, don't be afraid to branch out from "Training" and AI-only matches. You should be playing as all of the available characters anyway to get a sense of the game, but don't abandon them before they reach level 5 or you'll be losing out on some money.

heroes of storm

You might not also realize that leveling up each of your individual heroes' levels to 5 will also give you a little gold boost. You've probably already noticed that every time you gain two new levels on your main account, you get a huge gold influx.

Heroes of storm